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ScriptSwitch Prescribing

Supporting safe, cost-effective prescribing in Primary Care.

ScriptSwitch® Prescribing – Clinical Decision Support is a clinically-led solution that supports prescribing decisions. Embedded within the prescribing workflow and fully integrated with the patient record, it’s optimised for every patient.

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ScriptSwitch and the NHS

ScriptSwitch provides actionable information, advice and guidance to reduce risk, improve outcomes and reduce prescribing costs.

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Features and support

ScriptSwitch provides easy access libraries of pre-authored content including cost savings and safety information (NICE, MHRA, UKMI, NHSE, BNF, BNFC, RPS & DM&D).


ScriptSwitch's deployment is rapid, with the changes you make live in practices the same day. We provide training and operate a dedicated support desk.


Integration with patient record to improve pop-up precision


Patient-specific alerts to help reduce avoidable harm


National indicative stock alerts

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ScriptSwitch Prescribing

ScriptSwitch Prescribing sets new standards of safety, clinical content and ease of use with its new, unique and enhanced features.

New features provide 'best-in-class' support for the evolving demands of medicines optimisation and population health.

O4 Testimonial

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